Thursday, June 4, 2015

Good afternoon!

I hope you all enjoyed the show last night!  I am very proud with how hard they worked on the dance and skit. They all deserve a pat on the back.

SJA has found a new home, which is much better suited for our growing SJA family! Such an exciting time! It is bigger, with more parking, washrooms, and classrooms. We will have a better play area and a cafeteria for the students to eat in!! If you have any questions about the move, please let me know and I will do my best to answer them! Because of this, we will be out of the portables as of tomorrow. Each student will be bringing home everything between today and tomorrow. We will no longer need gym clothes and indoor shoes. We are keeping things simple, as we have no room to store anything!! I thank you in advance for your cooperation and appreciate your patience!!

We continue to do very well in our new classroom! The students have had no problems with the transition and continue to work very hard in all academic areas!!

Due to the gym lockers being used for storage, we have decided that the students will be allowed to wear their gym uniforms on Mondays and Wednesdays only.

We have concluded our in-class Spelling Bee competition! Our top grade 4’s are Sakshi, Eghosa, Husmeen, Shrihan, and Arin. Well done! Unfortunately we did not have any grade 3 make the top 5. They put in a great fight but came up short! The top 5 from each grade will participate in the St. Jude’s Academy annual Spelling Bee on Friday June 5, beginning at 9:00 am. Please note that there will be different words on June 5.

Our Summer Fair is just around the corner!! It will take place on Friday June 12 from 12:00-2:00pm! There will be a BBQ, bouncy castle, arts and crafts, and much, much, more! It is a perfect way to end the school year and is bound to be a blast. Tickets are $7.00 per student and $3.00 per adult. A ticket order form has been sent home. Please complete the order form and bring to school no later than Friday June 5! Please see flyer below for more information!!

A few important reminders/important dates

Please be sure to send your child with baseball hats or sun hats and sunscreen! Also please be sure to send in water bottles…with all the running around they do they get very hot and thirsty!

We are once again out of Kleenex and Lysol Wipes. If you could please bring some in that would be great!

Friday June 5 – St. Jude’s Academy Spelling Bee beginning at 9:00 am (top 5 from each grade only) and Summer Fair ticket orders and money due

Monday June 8 – top 3 students from each grade to the Maples for Spelling Bee competition and aftercare money due

Wednesday June 10 – Grade 3-8 graduation beginning with the Grade 8s at 5:00 pm. It is also casual day

Friday June 12 – last day of school. It is a half-day, which ends at 11:30 am. The Summer Fair begins at 12:00 and runs until 2:00 pm.

This morning we watched the JK-2 Spelling Bee. They did such a great job! The rest of the day was spent on math review, spelling review, and working with direct quotations. We also had a chance to watch Oakwood’s Art’s Night performance!

Just a few pictures from last night!

Have a wonderful night1

Mrs. Hocevar J

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