Monday, September 21, 2015

Good afternoon,

I hope everyone had a fantastic weekend! Thank you to Ava for helping sing O'Canada. 


October lunch forms and Karate forms are due by Friday, September 25…no exceptions!

I have introduced ‘Class Dojo’ as a form of behavior management. Each student will get a point for good behavior or lose a point for bad behavior. At the end of the month the person with the most points will receive a reward. You as parents will have access to your child’s Dojo to see how they have been behaving at school. I have sent home a letter with further instructions.  If you have not connected please do so! Any questions please let me know and I will do my best to answer them. Please continue to sign agendas and check the blog.

All school bags can be put on their hooks upon arrival at SJA, so the gym does not get overcrowded with school bags. Also if you could have your children put their agendas in the agenda box and homework in the homework bin inside the classroom it would help speed things up!

The gym door is to be used before school and after school. After 8:50 that door will be locked and you will have to enter through the front of the building. The ‘kiss and ride’ program is in full swing. It’s a great way to pick up your children and saves you from having to park and come into the school! Please see email as we have changed how ‘kiss and ride’ will work!

Todays lesson was a similar to Fridays lesson except this time we used subtraction. We noticed that 5 – 5 = 0, 5 – 4 = 1, and 5 – 3 = 2 so our pattern is that each number that is subtracted decreases by 1 and the answer (the difference) increase by 1!

Today the students did lesson 2 in their spelling books. They wrote the words in their agendas and completed the assigned activities. We continued work on capitals.

U.O.I. (Unit of Inquiry)
Today we began looking at bullying. We read ‘The Recess Queen” and completed a reading comprehension activity to go along with it!

Have a wonderful night!

Mrs. Hocevar J

Ava singing O'Canada this morning!

Our rules for using capitals!

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