Good afternoon everyone!
I hope you had a great night!
The cold weather is back for a
visit! Please ensure you are sending proper outdoor gear including snow pants,
hats/earmuffs, mitts/gloves, and winter boots. Students spend at least 50
minutes outside everyday and we want them to be warm. Thank you for your
cooperation in this matter!
February 3 – December after
care payment due
February 8 – Medieval Times
forms and money due
February 10 - French field
trip forms and money due
Important information and reminders:
Re-registration is upon us! Re-registrations forms have been sent home. The deadline to
re-register is February 10. After that we open up spaces to the public. Do
not delay – reserve your spot for grade 5 today!
Today we handed out our monthly awards and played a house game.
A reminder that all work
for speeches is to be done in class, unless other wise stated. All speeches
should be between 2-3 minutes. Thank you for your cooperation!
Homework – Read for at
least 30 minutes per day
Today we began Geometry! Our first lesson was about congruent figures.
Congruent means that a figure has the same size and shape. The grade 4’s had no
problem with this. The finished the lesson quickly and then had a scavenger
hunt around the room to find items that were congruent and non-congruent
(meaning the figure does not have the same shape and size).
Homework – MMS pg 34-35
Helping out with math!
Today we began looking into the Feudal System. We began discussing the
roles that people play and how they fit on the Feudal System hierarchy. We also
did a reading and had a discussion. We will continue this topic tomorrow.
Homework – Find
definition for 5 of the vocabulary words from the reading today (activity #2)
-Sign and return UOI summative rubric
New board in the works!
I wonder...
Working on the hierarchy!
Working on the brainstorm page from yesterday!
A couple more presentations!
Have a lovely night!
Mrs. Hocevar J