Friday, November 20, 2015

Good afternoon,

I hope everyone enjoyed the night! Now that the cold weather is here, please ensure that your children come prepared…coats, hats, mitts, boots, and anything else that will keep them warm.

A big congratulations to the grade 4’s for raising over $4500 for the cookie dough/gift card fundraiser. Thank you to all those families who supported this fundraiser! A HUGE thank you to Taran and family for brining in a whooping $3025!!! I think if is safe to say will be getting the PA System and the pizza party?!?! Great job grade 4!


Science fair rough copies are due on Monday. We have our boards and we will begin our good copies on Monday, put our display boards together on Tuesday, and do presentations on Wednesday! Each student should be able to ask their question, tell about their hypothesis, describe their variable, and explain their results! Science fair is next Thursday, November 26. Parents are welcome to join us in the auditorium from 2:30-3:15 PM.

Another bake sale is next Tuesday and Wednesday. If you are interested in purchasing something please bring in your money then. It is not our turn to run the bake the sale, but donations are always welcome!!

Causal day is next Wednesday, November 25.

A Year Ahead Day will take place on Thursday, December 10. This is a chance for all grade 4’s to experience what life is like in grade 5. All grade 4’s will spend the day with Ms. Kominek who is this year’s grade 5 teacher. I will get to have all the grade 3’s and show that how we roll!! Please keep in mind that although Ms. Kominek is the grade 5 teacher this year, it does not mean she will be the grade 5 teacher next year. The same goes for me as well!

Please continue to check out the Parent Guilds blog for up coming events at With the money that was earned during the October movie night, parent guild was able to purchase 2 projectors! Thank you so much to the parent guild and all of those who came to watch the movie!!

Today we continued our lesson from yesterday and also learned how to use a multiplication chart to assist us when answering multiplication questions. We learned that any number x 0 = 0 and that 1 x a number = that number (1 x 8 = 8). We discovered that the product is the answer, while the factors are the numbers that we multiply (2 x 5 = 10 – the factors are 2 and 5 and the product is 10). We also found out that 3 x 7 = 21 and that 7 x 3 = 21! Everyone did very well during this lesson.

Today we had our lesson 10 spelling test. Please review, sign, and return to school. Wrong words are to be written out 10x! We also read chapter 4 of ‘Little House in the Big Woods.”

Again I want to say how wonderful the reports were. It was quite evident that the students were able to describe a day in the life of! Thank you grade 4’s for all of your hard work. Today we read our next information card on cooking and making butter. We completed our corresponding activity in which we had to do with placing the sentences in proper order.

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

Mrs. Hocevar J

Ava showing us all of hard work!

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