Monday, February 13, 2017

Good afternoon everyone!

I hope you had a great weekend! I hope you enjoyed the snow as much as we did. We went for sleigh rides, snow slowed a few times and built a snowman!

Gretz wearing his new boots...which didn't last very long!!

Kase spreading the love to 'Frosty!'

The final product!

 Tomorrow is Valentine’s Spirit Day. Students are encouraged to come dressed in Valentine’s Day attire or dress in the colours of pink, white, and red. We will be having a Valentine’s Day party where students can give each other Valentine’s Day cards and treats to be taken home. We will be creating Valentine’s Day bags to hold our goodies, creating a LOVE picture, and doing some Valentine’s Day activities.

Important information and reminders:

The cold snowy weather is back for a visit! Please ensure you are sending proper outdoor gear including snow pants, hats/earmuffs, mitts/gloves, and winter boots. Students spend at least 50 minutes outside everyday and we want them to be warm. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter!

The lunch order system for March is now open. You will have until Friday, February 24 at 4:00 PM to order. After that time the site will shut down until next month! All payments are required by Monday, February 27 so that we can process the orders.

SJA Parent Guild is hosting another fantastic movie night and dance. It will take place on Friday, February 24 from 6:30-9:00 PM (free childcare from 6-6:30) in the SJA auditorium. The movie is Pixar Short Films (PG). Tickets are $10 each and included popcorn, bottle water, and a treat. Pizza will also be available for $2 a slice. All forms and money are due by Thursday, February 16!

The MYP students are hosting a school wide casual day to raise money for a mock trial competition they are attending on February 24. For $2 students will be able to come to school dressed as a lawyer, judge, criminal or police officer. Students who do not want to participate will be required to wear their school uniform. Those who are participating in Oral Competition Day will be allowed to change into their uniform before their speeches.

February 15 - Candy sale put on by the Girl's Club

February 16 – SJA Parent Guild Movie Night forms and money due, as well as Scholastic orders

February 24 at 4:00 PM – After care payments and March lunch orders are due. All payments are due by February 27 in order for lunches to be processed.


Today we had our first run through of speeches. Overall they were very well done and I was extremely impressed. Only 4 students fell outside of the time constraint. We still need some work on memorization! Students are encouraged to keep memorizing their speeches all week in anticipation for Tuesdays top 3.  

Homework – Read for at least 30 minutes per day

-Practice memorizing your speech

-Spelling lesson #22

Reading buddies from Friday!

Speeches round one!


Today we created skeletons using Marshmallows as our vertices and toothpicks as our edges. We also filled in a chart, which named the skeleton and told us the number of edges and vertices it had. Tomorrow and the rest of the week we will begin building castles as part of our end of unit test and to help us in UOI.

A face is (flat surface on a shape) as well as an edge (a straight line) and a vertex/vertices (the point at which the 2 edges meet together to make a point). We filled out a chart with examples to help us.

A quadrilateral is a shape that has 4 sides and has angles. There are 5 types of quadrilateral– a square, rectangle, rhombus, trapezoid, and a parallelogram. We realized that a square and rectangle has 4 - 90 degree angles. We recognized that a rhombus and parallelogram will have 2 pairs of equal angles that are opposites and a kite will have 1 pair of equal opposite angles and 2 angles that are different.

Protractor Hint – Use the t in the little circle and line that up with the vertex. Make sure the 180-degree line is lined up straight with the bottom line of the angle. There are 4 types of angles. A straight angle is 180 degrees and is a straight line. A right angle is 90 degrees and looks like an L. An acute angle is less than 90 degrees and an obtuse angle is more that 90 degrees.


Creating skeletons and filling in our chart!


Today we began discussing castles. We discussed the parts of a castle, why they are important, and began some vocabulary research.We will be spending the rest of the week building castles, which will also tie into our end of unit math test.

Homework – Bring in boxes and toilet paper/paper towel rolls

-Finish vocabulary from today about castles - please use this website and choose 10 words related to castles - 

Using SJA's devices to begin our vocabulary search!

Have a lovely night!

Mrs. Hocevar J

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