Friday, May 12, 2017

Good afternoon everyone!

I hope everyone enjoyed their night!!!

What a great day we had today. Although it was cool outside the Grade 4’s participated in all of the events with enthusiasm and cheered others on. We ended our day by enjoying Freezies!

We are ready!

Standing Long Jump!

Shot Put!

100M dash!

I will post more photos on Monday!

Important information and reminders:

Grade 3-8 Spelling Bee will take place on Tuesday, May 16 beginning at 9:00 sharp. Manisha, Ronit, Ryan, Aishraya, SeoHyeon, and Kira will be competing in the Grade 4 Spelling Bee and Chelsea, Saanvi, Tristan, Emilia, Jarniko, and Klara will be competing in the Grade 5 Spelling bee!

Crock-A-Doodle forms and money are due no later than Thursday, May 18. We will be our doing Crock-A-Doodle activity in the SJA auditorium on Tuesday, May 30 in the morning. Just a reminder that no reimbursements will be given if your child is absent the day of the workshop!

No School Friday, May 19 and Monday, May 22 for Victoria Day weekend!

A note from Mrs. Smith: The lunch ordering system is now open for June. Please ensure you place your order no later than Friday, May 19 at 4:00 PM. Lunch payment is due by May 23rd 4:00 PM or unfortunately your lunch order will be cancelled for the month of June. Please keep in mind that there are no reimbursements for field trips or absences. You can go online at

Aftercare payments due Friday, May 26.


We had time to do our lesson #33 Spelling test and then it was off to Track and Field!

Homework – Read for at least 30 minutes

-Frindle activity #4 due Monday, May 15

-Sign and return spelling test #33


Track and field!

Examples of changing fractions and mixed numbers into decimals using HUNDREDTHS:

45/100 = 0.45
2 & 87/100 = 2. 87
1 &9/100 = 1.09

Examples of changing decimals into fractions and mixed numbers using HUNDREDTHS:

2.61 = 2 & 61/100
1.02 = 1 & 2/100
5.99 = 5 & 99/100

Examples of changing fractions and mixed numbers into decimals using TENTHS:

1 & 1/10 = 1.1
3 & 6/10 = 3.6
2 & 4/10 = 1.4
5/10 = 0.5

Examples of changing decimals into fractions and mixed numbers using TENTHS:

1.8 = 1 & 8/10
0.2 = 2/10
7.5 = 7 & 5/10

An improper fraction is more that 1 whole and when the numerator (top number) is bigger than the denominator (bottom number). For example, 7/3.

A mixed number is has a whole number and a fraction. It is another way to write an improper fraction. For example, 2 & 2/3.

We can change an improper fraction into a mixed number and vice versa!


9/4 =

Step 1: Ask yourself how many times does 4 go into 9? The answer is 2.

Step 2: Ask yourself what is 4 (the denominator) x 2 (the answer from step 1) = 8.

Step 3: Take the 9 (the numerator) and – 8 (the answer from step 2)= 1

Answer = 2 & ¼ (the 2 come from step 1, the 1 comes from step 3, and the 4 stays the same as in the original fraction)

**The denominator will not change – it will stay the same**


3 & ¼

Step 1: Multiply the whole number by the denominator (3 x 4 = 12)

Step 2: Add the answer from step one (12) to the numerator
(12 + 1 = 13)

Answer = 13/4

**The denominator will not change – it will stay the same**

Homework – Math Test will take place on Wednesday, May 24

-Math worksheets


Track and Field!

Homework –

Have a great weekend! Happy Mother's Day to all of the wonderful Grade 4 moms! I hope you have a wonderful day!

Mrs. Hocevar J

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